Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013

Blackberry Curve 9300, connect to others

            Nowadays, cellphone is the most important thing to communicate with our relates, family, friends, or partners, without the newest devices, it`s difficult to be done, there are so many devices that be offered by the company, cellphone, computer, tab, and others are the devices to connect to others, but nowadays, cellphone is upgraded to be smartphone, both of  them have the different things, but the operation system is the important thing that be inserted into the smartphone , because OS ( operation system ) is the phone`s 
            There are so many smartphone with the own OS, Blackberry is the one of the biggest phone and OS in the world, blackberry always releases the newest phone`s series with the own spesification, since Blackberry passed the glory year in 2008-2010, there are so many compettitor who wants to do research and release the newest and the best spesification that they have, Blackberry too, one of the phone that i want to share is Blackberry Curve 9300.
            Before i make a decission to buy the phone, especially Blackberry smartphone, i make some consideration to buy, i ask to my friends about the reccomendation phone, and that`s right ! i made a decission, Blackberry Gemini 3g ( Curve 9300 ) is my option, i just had the low budget to buy it, but it`s not problem, finally i bought it!.
            So, i use it to do some of my daily communication, hobbies and bussiness, and i always make a review about the new product that i`ve had, Blackberry curve 9300 have a lot of the strenght, after i see the desaign, it`s so sexy! Why ? it`s like a spain guitar hehehe, it`s not slim, but if i look this, it`s so slim with the strength material! It`s covered by the kind of the steel, it`s not like the previous type that just covered by plastic ( Blackberry Curve 8520 ) and with that material, it`s more strength than plastic! It has a durability if it drop to floor, wet, hot, and anything that we prevent, and so i love the design with the bright of the light on the keypad.
            Btw, let`s move to inside, smartphone is the phone who has the latest and modern OS, this phone too, it`s supported the Blackberry OS 5 for the default OS, and we can upgrade it up to OS 6, but it can`t be upgraded to latest version, mmmm....unfortunately, it`s just available for RAM 256 mb, and sometimes, i can`t install or use more applications, therefore, if we try again to use more application, the phone will hang...with the cute symbol on the center to wait the phone performance ( clock ), so we should to choose the application wisely.
            And it`s the biggest problem of all smartphone`s users...battery, with 1100 MaH, this device only to be used 5-6 hours, after it, the battery is drop, we should use this wisely, it consume more energy! I hate it when i don`t get the stopcontact to charge it and in the emergency, so i must buy power bank or change to battery doublepower.
            About the interface, i love it ! especially when i upgrade to OS 6, totally change !! with the tray, it`s simple and comfort to use it, and the search button, easy to find the applications without search it manually! And for the social networking, it`s supported almost all of the sosmed in Blackberry app store, it`s like Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, Line, and many more, but i can`t use skype, i`ve just known that skype can be used for Blackberry Q10, and the latest version.
            And BBM ( Blackberry Messenger ) is my favourite application, all the Blackberry devices have it, i can use it for chat with others, do the bussines, promotion, and many more,  so comfortable to use it, i love Blackberry so much, but i have some advice, the battery must be upgaded min. 2000 MaH, and fixing the weakness, it`s the application, radiation level, RAM, and many more,  i think, it`s to support all users, because Blackberry is desaigned to connect to others.

Senin, 22 April 2013

How we celebrate Kartini`s Day?

Hey Guys!

Welcome back in my blogland!

we want to celebrate kartini`s Day ! i forgot when i was child, especially when i was kindergarten and elementary school, i usually celebrate Kartini`s day on 21st April each years, i celebrate it with cultural karnival, fashion show, drawing compettion, and many more, and fortunately ! i ever felt the sweetest memory and experience when i was child...it was awful memory, sometimes i think if i go to past time, and celebrate it again and again !

but, before we celebrate it, we must to know abaout her, her fought to make a equality of woman in indonesia and the compare about now and before Kartini was born....

Kartini was born in Jepara on 21st April 1879 and she was daughter of Priyayi Family, she always thinked about the woman social condition in there, no freedom for them and woman just the people who always gave the sevice for her family, no more than it, and the woman just did their family

Jumat, 12 April 2013

This is about me

hello guys !! 

you accordially to visit this blog land.

Thank`s to visit this blog land, and to know about me, i want to tell you a little about myself.....let me introduction myself....i`m Adipati Krisna Dwipayana, and do you know? i just an ordinary man who wants to get what i have and exactly guys it needs hard work and reach my dream...

Picture 1 : Me

shhhhhhhh....*waves sound*

do you know the facts about me? i`m a history and military fanatic...and you know why i love history? because someone in there said " don`t forget the history, because it`s the mirror of the future " so, i appreciate what people did before me, and i always want to know more ( Kepo in Bahasa ) to learn about the success of Man in the pass time before and i always want to know about the social interaction before me.

do you know ? i study in 26 vocational high school, and that`s school for me is the best ! i take Technical Drawing of Building or Architect Majoring, yeaah !! the unique Architecture of building inspired me to take that`s majoring guys ! and in the future i would like to be the Great Architect and also....entrepreneur!

Picture 2 : 26 VHS Jakarta

still on my frequency ?

yeaaah this time i wanna tell you about my hobbies, mmm....my hobbies is sama with each other, because i just an ordinary man, and my hobbies are do the business or we call it " Selling " why ? maybe, today i just a liitle entrepreneur, but you must remember what i say ! i would like to be the Greatest Entrepreneur who wants to make a big job opportunnity and i hope i will make the economy in indonesia better than now, is that hobbies realistic ? ....mmmmmm...let`s see my selling activity with my friends..

Picture 3 : Selling

maybe that`s hobby is boring for you, but do you know? it`s more than what we think ! selling is the one of way to train our Public speaking and train our mental or spirit to face the problem in real life? entrepreneurship teaches us to solve the problem wisely guys ! so try it 

and the other hobby is....using and playing my laptop ! i love my laptop....his name is Goldy ? why ? that`s body covered by gold colour....more luxury guys and everyone likes him ! my friends also call me a " Wifi Hunter " ....yeaaahhhhh !!! to find Hotspot is the part of uniquq activity, everyewhere Wifi located, i always enjoy in there to browse with WI-fi signal...hahahah, still remember economy principle " more income, less expenditure " that`s reason why i love my hobby

actually i have more hobbies, but i can`t tell you oe by one, so the other hobbies are Drawing, Travelling and reading a military and history books, i love them !

Picture 4: Wifi hunter and play a game

i have a motto which always support me indirectly to pass the problem....that is 


and it`s enough to build ourself ! success guys !

to be a good person who can motivate ourself is have the inspiration person....

this is my inspiration person guys.....

Picture 5 : Prophet Mohammed

prophet Muhammad SAW....an ordinary man who leads the Human in the world walk to brightness world in the future, actually i always remember him to solve my problem, i always find and remember what he said in Hadist, and exactly moslem always love him.

and western man wrote his name to the 100 people who change the world, his name be the 1st position, Subhanallah....and nobody against or protest about that`s book, everytime, every minutes....people in the world always mention his name in Sholat, Pray, Dzikir, etc....and that`s reason why he changed the world.

do you know ? what i hate ?

i hate the people who always complaint their problem in social media ! one or two times is okay, but how always do it ? life is survive guys! enjoy your life and make your problem is the best friend who leads you to solve them ! remember that`s phylosophy guys !

and i hate people who trapped on wrong way or free zone, they are smoking, drinking, or many more, actually i hate it !!!! that`s reason why i`m individualist in my home....everything is change! my old friends is not my friends who i know....my old frieds trapped on that, i hate it !

let`s move to the favourite things.....

it`s my favourite singer and artist !

waawwww what bout you guys ?

and it`s my favourite cuisine...yummmmyyy

yummmy guys ! it`s a little about my favourite things...

and finally, thanks guys to visit my articel and i hope i can post more interesting articel :D